The Importance of Boron for Healthy Brain Function

The human body needs a full spectrum of nutrients including vitamins, minerals, and other identified (e.g. antioxidants, polyphenolics, cannabinoids) and unidentified factors in the food we eat for optimal health and well-being.

There are 3 primary reasons why most people in the Western World, especially, aren’t getting enough of these nutrients.

1)  Mineral depletion of our soils due to modern agricultural practices, resulting in reduced vitamin and mineral content in the food we eat.

2)  Glyphosate (Roundup) overuse on crops; powerful chelator of essential minerals; inhibits CytP450 enzymes needed for detoxification processes in the liver, and other tissues.

3)  Increased body demands due to stress and exposure to a variety of chemical toxins; genetic differences that increase our requirement for specific nutrients.

With boron, what we currently know is that the soil levels of boron in your area and from which your food is grown can have a profound effect on a number of health parameters including cognitive performance (e.g. alertness, focus, and concentration), hormone levels, mineral balance, antioxidant defenses, joint function and arthritis prevention, and protection against heavy metal toxicity.

Symptoms of boron deficiency include:

  • decreased memory and cognitive performance.
  • reduced alertness, attention, and focus.
  • reduced magnesium absorption and retention.
  • increased susceptibility for arthritis.
  • impaired vitamin D metabolism.
  • low testosterone.
  • low mood.
  • fatigue.

Beneficial effects of boron include:

  • improves the brains electrical activity, cognitive performance, and memory.
  • protects against pesticide-induced oxidative stress and heavy-metal toxicity.
  • raises levels of antioxidant enzymes such as SOD, GPx, and catalase.
  • reduces levels of inflammatory biomarkers such as hs-CRP and TNF-α.
  • is essential for the growth and maintenance of bone.
  • greatly improves wound healing.
  • boosts magnesium absorption.
  • influences the formation and activity of key biomolecules, such as SAM-e and NAD+.

Average daily intake of dietary boron ranges between 1.7 and 7 mg with fruits, nuts, and vegetables being the major food sources.

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